Thursday, November 19, 2009

I recommend getting a mutt for a pet

My happy mutt.

I suggest adopting first of all, there are some adorable dogs who really need a home and it will stick it to horrible pure breed conditions some have. So my breed suggestion is mutt, simply because they don't have a specific image. they're there own dog. with there own completely different personalities. no stereo types to fit them really into. Not to say all corgis are the same but it stands out more in mutts in my personal opinion.

But you should really decide on what dog to get based on your living conditions, do you live in a small place? are you busy all the time? do you have children or cats they need to get along with? how often can you groom/get them groomed? How good of a dog trainer are you? and if you don't receive them as puppies do you two get along? These are the questions you really should consider first before getting a dog, or really any pet. Not to say you can't choose any one you want but doesn't it seem like a silly idea to get a great dane in a small apartment? not really.

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