Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm a Mac

Oh man, I'm a mac to the end now. Although I WILL admit I wasn't ALWAYS a mac. For the most of my life I was a PC simply because we didn't have and no one I knew had a mac. Although in elementary school they had those cute colored mac's and I remember fighting over who got to sit at what color. I got my mac a year ago (a already out dated Macbook Pro 15 in ;m; ). Although looking through old photos there is one with me in a very young age (toddlerish) playing some computer game on my grandfathers mac. I love Macs because 1 they're pretty and 2 the problems I do have on my mac are super easy to solve. and are usually internet related "this page doesn't work on macs" D< my least favorite thing to see.

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