Saturday, December 30, 2006


Wheee.. it was fun.
I got a wii for christmas! :D
Along with other things (which i will now list..YAY LISTS!!)

  • Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (for the wii)
  • Some racing game (woo..)
  • Truma Center Second opion.
  • a big sketch book
  • some nice pens :D
  • a wooden cup to put the pens in
  • Final Fantasy III (ds)
  • a cool sunflower in a can (you grow it)
and thats all I remember for now...

Friday, September 29, 2006

its a post!

*reads last post*
Well first is first. I got over last times problem with a new one.
(with more paranoia in every bite!)
I feel as like I have wasted my summer and childhood.
k maybe not childhood but my summer and or weekends...
just doing nothing on the computer...maybe I need a computer break.
Its just a crazy idea now.
so crazy!
Have you listened to the band Imogen Heap? its a good band with my fav songs "Goodnight and go" and "hide and seek" there good songs..
Well i think there cool
..and thats about it. Nothing much has happend. Besides the Feelings of seperation from my actuall friends and making of newer ones...I'll always renember the random crazy days of us.

Saturday, July 01, 2006


I guess this could be a dream blog.
Though i've had reall weird dreams.

But thew weird part is.
somehow a little part of me knows there in a dream.
But i just dont renember being in the dream just renember the idea and what happend.

its werid.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Flea market day

Today in AC:WW is flea market day. thats right other animals can come to your house and buy your furni! I had to take in all good furniture and put out furniture i want to get rid of.
Apparently each animal only buys up to 3 items and prices below 1000 bells are ok. You can go to there houses and buy there stuff also.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Its going to be a while

Im going to a camp soon so sadly i will not post anything anytime soon.

(note any icons i use are not mine. I didnt make them.)

Sunday, May 07, 2006


First's are firsts..
and this my fellow readers is Tiger Doodles.
I doodle and i like tigers.
I'm Tsuki